Cultural creation

August 29, 2024

Artist and illustrator:

Co-producer and poet:




This cultural creation is also available in:

Keywords: Beirut Explosion; re-imagined Beirut; Lebanon; women; recovery; reconstruction; healing; culture; justice; accountability; philanthropy


In this ode of color and justice, the co-creators, Lynn Zovighian and Noémie Honein, and the Zovighian Public Office (ZPO), would like to thank all journalists, scholars, public policy leaders, human rights defenders, doctors, musicians, and citizens for never letting Lebanon go through these difficult times. We are all still here because you all still are.

A colourful lithograph of Beirut  by Noémie Honein

Beirut, our Beirut,
would be so colorful,
so centered on human rights
and a dignified life
for all its people and generations.

A house of many mansions,
where we discover
that in collective action,
we can wield our power
and compose
our present and future
acts and stanzas.

A house of many mansions,
where we discover
that in collective action,
we can wield our power
and compose
our present and future
acts and stanzas.

A poem of many concerts
where our melodies
of times before
and times ahead
dance on rooftops.

And we sing
at the top of our lungs,
because every day
can be beautiful
when you have been cruelly taught
to never take
any of our precious lives
for granted.

Joy, now we know,
is the greatest act of resistance
against those who aimed to destroy us
but failed.

A country with a vision
will always be work in progress
because you can never stop
painting and drawing,
coloring and imagining.

Man-made disasters and crimes
can no longer be

the pieces of our puzzle.

Set our city free,
and see how nature replaces
with abundance
and a love for regeneration
because resilience
is no longer our code for living.

A Beirut Explosion memorial
that we all still deserve
because ammonium nitrate,
criminality, complicity, and
falsified freedom far from
will never be forgotten,
for even pencil on paper
cannot be erased.

In a land that
to finally vote for
law and order.

With pockets of heritage and tradition
that keep on living
through our many crises,
rejecting erasure
and irrelevance.

let us pour love into color,
magic on paper,
and energy in form.

A colourful lithograph of Beirut  by Noémie Honein

Let us always hold space
for hope and happiness for our Beirut,
because all Lebanese
and people of this city
deserve to heal
on our own terms
with our loved ones and family
by our side
and with a joie de vivre


About the Zovighian Public Office

The Zovighian PublicOffice (ZPO) was established in 2015 to serve communities facing crises and crimes of atrocity. We are dedicated to amplifying their voices through research, advocacy, and diplomacy. We are deeply committed to the empowerment of Lebanese communities, grassroots institutions, and cultural and civil society leaders.